Dr. Kamran Qureshi, MD

Dr. Kamran Qureshi, MD

Accepting patients


    Dr. Kamran Qureshi treats patients for a range of liver diseases, including autoimmune liver disease, liver cancer, cirrhosis, and infectious hepatitis. He performs screening endoscopic procedures and manages liver transplantations. His research interests include liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension and liver cancer. Dr. Qureshi is an associate professor in the Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. He is a member of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, European Association for the Study of the Liver, American Gastroenterological Association, and American College of Gastroenterology.

    Medical Specialties and Areas of Expertise

    Gastroenterologist (Stomach & Bowel Specialist)


    Preventive Medicine Specialist

    Hepatologist (Liver, Gallbladder & Pancreas)

    Education & Training

    Florida Hospital Orlando (Fellowship)

    University of Illinois, College of Medicine (Residency)

    Temple University Medical School (Fellowship)

    Doctorate - King Edward Medical College




    Medical Conditions Treated

    conditions treated by a Gastroenterologist (Stomach & Bowel Specialist), like Dr. Kamran Qureshi, may include:

    Please contact Dr. Qureshi's office for more information or to schedule a consultation.


    Please contact Dr. Qureshi's office to confirm accepted insurance plans.


    Center for Specialized Medicine

    1225 South Grand Blvd

    3L - Door 1, 2

    St. Louis, MO 63104

    (314) 257-3760

    Get Directions

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is Kamran Qureshi accepting new patients?

    Yes, Kamran Qureshi is accepting new patients at this time.

    Does Kamran Qureshi offer online booking?

    Please contact Dr. Qureshi's office at (314) 257-3760 for information about online booking, telehealth, or to schedule an appointment.

    Does Kamran Qureshi offer telehealth appointments?

    Please contact Dr. Qureshi's office at (314) 257-3760 for information telehealth appointment availability or for scheduling assistance.

    Which language(s) does Kamran Qureshi speak?

    Kamran Qureshi speaks English, Punjabi and Urdu.

    Other Gastroenterologist (Stomach & Bowel Specialist) Near St. Louis, MO

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    Dr. Hany Elbeshbeshy, MD
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