


Dr. Christopher Y. Thomas IV, MD

Accepting patients


    Dr. Christopher Thomas IV, MD is a Hematology / Oncology Specialist, who primarily practices in Greenville, SC with 1 additional practice location. He is board certified. Dr. Thomas IV is fluent in English and is currently seeing new patients. To book an appointment or to confirm insurance options, please call Dr. Thomas IV’s office at (336) 716-2255.

    Castle Connolly Top Doctor

    Castle Connolly Top Doctors are doctor-nominated and selected by a physician-led research team.

    Medical Specialties and Areas of Expertise

    Hematology / Oncology Specialist

    Medical Conditions Treated

    conditions treated by a Hematology / Oncology Specialist, like Dr. Christopher Thomas IV, may include:

    Please contact Dr. Thomas IV's office for more information or to schedule a consultation.

    Medical Procedures Performed

    procedures performed by a Hematology / Oncology Specialist, like Dr. Christopher Thomas IV, may include:

    For detailed information, please contact Dr. Thomas IV's office.


    Please contact Dr. Thomas IV's office to confirm accepted insurance plans.


    Cancer Institute - Eastside

    65 International Drive

    Greenville, SC 29615

    (336) 716-2255

    Get Directions | View Website

    Christopher Thomas

    Univ Of Virginia Health Sciences Ctr

    Box 800716 Hematology/Oncology

    Charlottesville, VA 22908

    (434) 243-6356

    Get Directions

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is Dr. Christopher Thomas IV accepting new patients?

    Yes, Dr. Christopher Thomas IV is accepting new patients at this time.

    Does Dr. Christopher Thomas IV offer online booking?

    Please contact Dr. Thomas IV's office at (336) 716-2255 for information about online booking, telehealth, or to schedule an appointment.

    Does Dr. Christopher Thomas IV offer telehealth appointments?

    Please contact Dr. Thomas IV's office at (336) 716-2255 for information telehealth appointment availability or for scheduling assistance.

    Which language(s) does Dr. Christopher Thomas IV speak?

    Dr. Christopher Thomas IV speaks English.

    Other Hematology / Oncology Specialist Near Greenville, SC

    Dr. Suzanne Reim Fanning, DO
    Hematology / Oncology Specialist
    65 International Dr, Greenville, SC 29615
    acceptingPatients-iconAccepting patients
    Dr. Julia Ann Lawrence, DO
    Hematology / Oncology Specialist
    65 International Drive, Greenville, SC 29615
    acceptingPatients-iconAccepting patients
    Dr. Susan Anitra Melin, MD
    Hematology / Oncology Specialist
    65 International Drive, Greenville, SC 29615
    acceptingPatients-iconAccepting patients
    See All Specialists

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