Dr. Sonia Tarango

Dr. Sonia Tarango

Accepting patients


    Dr. Sonia Tarango is a Family Doctor, who primarily practices in San Antonio, TX with 1 additional practice location. She is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine. Dr. Tarango is fluent in English and is currently seeing new patients. To book an appointment or to confirm insurance options, please call Dr. Tarango’s office at (210) 358-5100.

    Medical Specialties and Areas of Expertise

    Family Doctor

    Board Certifications

    American Board of Family Medicine

    Medical Procedures Performed

    procedures performed by a Family Doctor, like Dr. Sonia Tarango, may include:

    For detailed information, please contact Dr. Tarango's office.


    Please contact Dr. Tarango's office to confirm accepted insurance plans.


    Practice At 2121 Sw 36th St

    2121 Sw 36th St

    San Antonio, TX 78237

    (210) 358-5100

    Get Directions

    Mhs Physicians of Texas

    14023 Southwest Freeway

    Sugar Land, TX 77478

    (281) 325-4100

    Get Directions

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is Dr. Sonia Tarango accepting new patients?

    Yes, Dr. Sonia Tarango is accepting new patients at this time.

    Does Dr. Sonia Tarango offer online booking?

    Please contact Dr. Tarango's office at (210) 358-5100 for information about online booking, telehealth, or to schedule an appointment.

    Does Dr. Sonia Tarango offer telehealth appointments?

    Please contact Dr. Tarango's office at (210) 358-5100 for information telehealth appointment availability or for scheduling assistance.

    Which language(s) does Dr. Sonia Tarango speak?

    Dr. Sonia Tarango speaks English.

    Which board certifications does Dr. Sonia Tarango have?

    Dr. Sonia Tarango is certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.

    Other Family Doctor Near San Antonio, TX

    Dr. Mohammad Ansar Mughal, MD
    Family Doctor
    2121 Southwest 36 Street, San Antonio, TX 78237
    acceptingPatients-iconAccepting patients
    Dr. Natalie Biediger Cuellar, MD
    Family Doctor
    2121 Sw 36th St, San Antonio, TX 78237
    acceptingPatients-iconAccepting patients


    Family Doctor
    1831 S General Mc Mullen, San Antonio, TX 78226
    acceptingPatients-iconAccepting patients
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