Dr. Diana Ilyasova, OD

Dr. Diana Ilyasova, OD

Accepting patients
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    Dr. Diana Ilyasova is a highly qualified optometrist practicing in Bronx, New York. She is certified to treat most eye infections and diseases testing for glaucoma, cataracts, dry eye and macular degeneration. She regularly screens for ocular effects of Diabetes, Hypertension, Cholesterol, and autoimmune diseases. Dr Diana Ilyasova takes great pride in offering every patient the absolute best in vision care, whether through fitting them with eyeglasses or contact lenses, diagnosing cataracts, testing for glaucoma, and other eye diseases, or recommending cataract or other surgical procedures. She is known for her warm and caring ways, and is passionately committed to helping her patients get the most from their eyes. Dr. Diana Ilyasova also specializes in pediatric eye care: diagnosing and treating visual, accommodative and ocular disorders, ocular-motor deficiencies, amblyopic, and strabismus from ages three and up.

    Medical Specialties and Areas of Expertise

    Optometrist (Eye & Vision Specialist)

    Medical Procedures Performed

    procedures performed by an Optometrist (Eye & Vision Specialist), like Dr. Diana Ilyasova, may include:

    For detailed information, please contact Dr. Ilyasova's office.


    Please contact Dr. Ilyasova's office to confirm accepted insurance plans.


    Pelham Parkway Vision Center

    731 Lydig Ave

    Bronx, NY 10462

    (718) 829-2160

    Get Directions | View Website

    Would you like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Diana Ilyasova?

    Dr. Ilyasova has appointments available at her Bronx, NY office. Please select a date and time below.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is Dr. Diana Ilyasova accepting new patients?

    Yes, Dr. Diana Ilyasova is accepting new patients at this time.

    Does Dr. Diana Ilyasova offer online booking?

    Yes, you can use online booking to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ilyasova, or call (718) 829-2160 for more information.

    Does Dr. Diana Ilyasova offer telehealth appointments?

    Please contact Dr. Ilyasova's office at (718) 829-2160 for information telehealth appointment availability or for scheduling assistance.

    Which language(s) does Dr. Diana Ilyasova speak?

    Dr. Diana Ilyasova speaks English.

    Other Optometrist (Eye & Vision Specialist) Near Bronx, NY

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