

Dr. Jeffrey Gregory Kagan, DPM

Accepting patients
Online booking


    Dr. Jeffrey Kagan, DPM is a Podiatrist (Foot Specialist), who primarily practices in Franklin Square, NY with 1 additional practice location. He is board certified. Dr. Kagan is fluent in English and is currently seeing new patients. To book an appointment or to confirm insurance options, please call Dr. Kagan’s office at (516) 352-4454.

    Medical Specialties and Areas of Expertise

    Podiatrist (Foot Specialist)


    Please contact Dr. Kagan's office to confirm accepted insurance plans.



    925 Hempstead Tpke Ste 110

    Franklin Square, NY 11010

    (516) 352-4454

    Get Directions

    Samuel Bavli

    327 Beach 19th St

    Far Rockaway, NY 11691

    (718) 869-7107

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    Would you like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jeffrey Kagan?

    Dr. Kagan has appointments available at his Franklin Square, NY office, as well as 1 other location. Please select a location, date, and time below.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is Jeffrey Kagan accepting new patients?

    Yes, Jeffrey Kagan is accepting new patients at this time.

    Does Jeffrey Kagan offer online booking?

    Yes, you can use online booking to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kagan, or call (516) 352-4454 for more information.

    Does Jeffrey Kagan offer telehealth appointments?

    Please contact Dr. Kagan's office at (516) 352-4454 for information telehealth appointment availability or for scheduling assistance.

    Which language(s) does Jeffrey Kagan speak?

    Jeffrey Kagan speaks English.

    Other Podiatrist (Foot Specialist) Near Franklin Square, NY

    Dr. Philip Mark Palmeri, DPM
    Podiatrist (Foot Specialist)
    925 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, NY 11010
    acceptingPatients-iconAccepting patients
    Dr. Walter Hernan Perez, DPM
    Podiatrist (Foot Specialist)
    9 new hyde park road, Franklin Square, NY 11010
    acceptingPatients-iconAccepting patients


    Podiatrist (Foot Specialist)
    925 Hempstead Tpke, Franklin Square, NY 11010
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